Science-based tools and supplements that push the needle.
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Full Notes
Types of Endurance and Fuel Systems
- Endurance comes down to two factors:
- Fatigue management
- Fueling
- People exercise for three reasons:
- Feel better
- Look a certain way
- Perform a certain way for a long time
Quick Ways to Improve Endurance
- Improve mechanics and mechanical efficiency
- Breathing techniques and patterns
- Proper posture and positions
- Movement technique
- Nasal breathing can help improve breathing mechanics
- Train across the full spectrum of exercise, including steady-state and high-intensity interval training
Exercise Snacks
- Short, intense bouts of exercise can improve cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive benefits
- Example: 20-second stair sprints repeated throughout the day
- Studies show significant improvements in VO2 max and work productivity after incorporating exercise snacks into daily routines
In summary, endurance is a combination of fatigue management and fueling. To improve endurance, focus on proper breathing, posture, and movement techniques. Additionally, incorporating a variety of exercise types, including steady-state and high-intensity interval training, can help maximize endurance adaptations. Finally, consider incorporating “exercise snacks” into your daily routine for quick improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive benefits.
Energy and Endurance
- Energy throughout the day is a form of endurance
- Avoid lulls and fatigue, maintain focus and enjoyment in daily activities
- Muscular endurance: repeat small efforts in a muscle group without fatigue
- Example: walking up flights of stairs without quads burning
- Maximum anaerobic capacity: perform a large amount of work for 20–80 seconds
- Example: paddling hard for a minute while surfing or biking up a steep hill
- Maximum aerobic capacity: repeat high-effort activities for 5–15 minutes
- Example: running a mile or completing longer distance intervals
- Sustained position: maintain posture and position for extended periods
- Example: sitting with perfect posture at work, standing in line without collapsing
Improving Endurance
- Incorporate short bursts of maximal exertion throughout the day
- Example: running up stairs, jumping jacks, or burpees for 20 seconds every 4 hours
- Adjust frequency and duration to fit personal schedule and abilities
- Use single-ingredient supplements to support hormone health, sleep optimization, and focus
- Momentous offers high-quality, single-ingredient supplements that ship internationally
- Monitor blood glucose levels with a continuous glucose monitor, like Levels
- Learn how different foods, exercise, and sleep impact blood glucose levels
- Optimize schedule and habits based on personal data
Maintain proper electrolyte balance with sodium, magnesium, and potassium
- Element provides a science-backed ratio of electrolytes to optimize mental and physical performance
- Important for hydration and cellular functioning, especially for those with clean diets and active lifestyles
Improving Endurance and Fatigue Management
Endurance factors:
- Sustained high-intensity exercise
- Repeated high-intensity exercise
- Long-duration low-intensity exercise
- Maximum distance
- Goal: Perform these activities and feel good afterwards
- Endurance reflects fatigue management and energy production
- Different functional capacities have different points of failure
- Optimize performance by understanding how to make energy and handle fatigue
Energy Production and Fat Loss
- Body has different fuel sources:
- Glycogen (stored in muscle and liver)
- Body fat (stored in white adipose tissue)
- Protein
- Phosphocreatine system
- Body fat stores are tapped into when other fuel sources are depleted or when energy systems signal that body fat is the optimal fuel source
- Fat loss occurs through respiration
- Breathing in oxygen (O2) and exhaling carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Carbon molecule difference between O2 and CO2
- Carbohydrates and fats are chains of carbon
- Metabolism breaks carbon bonds to produce energy and create ATP
- Carbon must be removed from the body through respiration
Carbon Cycle of Life
- Plants breathe in CO2 and exhale O2, while humans do the opposite
- Plants use photosynthesis to form bonds between carbon atoms, using energy from the sun
- Plants produce starches and fruits by storing carbon and converting it into different forms of carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose)
The human body also stores and converts carbohydrates in a similar manner
Understanding Glucose, Starch, and Glycogen -
Glucose: six carbon chain found in blood
- Starch: glucose packed away in potatoes and other tubers
- Glycogen: glucose packed away in muscles, such as the quadricep
- Fructose: found in fruits
Carbon Intake and Exhaling Carbon
- Humans need to ingest carbon to survive, as they cannot perform photosynthesis
- Carbon sources include starch, fruit, and animal products
- Carbon is stored in the body as carbohydrates (liver, blood, muscles), fat (adipose tissue, intramuscular triglycerides), and protein (used for structure)
- To lose weight, one must either ingest less carbon or expel more carbon
Breathing and Fat Loss
- Increasing the rate of exhalation can lead to fat loss
- Hyperventilation training increases adrenaline levels and can lead to fat loss, but is not sustainable due to side effects
- Steady-state exercise, weight lifting, and interval training all increase respiration rate and can lead to fat loss
- The type of exercise or diet does not matter as much as the total carbon intake and output
Lung Capacity and Fat Loss
- Increasing lung capacity may help with fat loss by offloading more CO2 carbons per exhale
- However, net carbon output over the course of the day must also be considered
Increasing the demand for energy through exercise is necessary to achieve a negative carbon balance and promote fat loss
Energy Production and Metabolism -
Cardiac output (Q) = heart rate x stroke volume
- Adjusts to meet energy needs
- Endurance training can lower resting heart rate and increase stroke volume, but cardiac output remains the same
- Resting heart rate as a metric of fitness
- Lower resting heart rate indicates better fitness
- Sub-60 beats per minute is a good target for most people
- Maximum heart rate not a good proxy for fitness
- Does not increase with fitness
- Stroke volume limited by filling capacity of the heart
Fasted Training and Fat Loss
- Training fasted does not necessarily enhance fat loss
- Misunderstanding of metabolism
- Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) or respiratory quotient (RQ)
- Ratio of O2 to CO2
- Increases with exercise intensity
- At rest: 0.6–0.7
- Walking: 0.8
- VO2 max: 1.1
- Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)
- Continued ventilation after exercise to pay back “oxygen debt”
- Higher intensity exercise requires more ventilation to deal with waste accumulation in tissues
Energy Utilization and Exercise Modes
- Different modes of exercise trigger specific adaptations
- Walking: low intensity, matches energy needs with waste offload
- Sprinting: high intensity, requires more ventilation to deal with waste
- Moderate jog: intermediate intensity, different breathing pattern
Understanding the relationship between energy production, utilization, and exercise modes can help optimize training and fitness goals
Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Debt and Fuel Sources -
Excess post-exercise oxygen debt: repaying oxygen debt after exercise
- RQ (Respiratory Quotient) increases with exercise intensity
- RQ of 1.0 indicates high intensity exercise
- Misconception: exercising in a “fat-burning zone” leads to more fat loss
- Lower intensity exercise burns a higher percentage of fat, but total fuel expenditure is low
- Higher intensity exercise burns a higher percentage of carbohydrates, but total fuel expenditure is higher
Understanding Fat Loss vs. Fat Burning
- Burning fat does not equal losing fat from the body
- Burning body fat stores vs. burning dietary fat
- Reducing body carbohydrate stores (muscle glycogen, liver glycogen) occurs during high-intensity exercise
Optimizing Exercise for Fat Loss
- Speed, power, and skill development have minimal benefit for fat loss
- Strength training has some benefit, but total energy expenditure is low
- Hypertrophy and muscular endurance training (6–30 repetitions) can help deplete muscle glycogen
- High-intensity interval training can further deplete muscle glycogen and potentially liver glycogen
Energy Production and Regulation
- Energy production comes from local exercising muscle (phosphocreatine and carbohydrate stores)
- Body regulates blood pH, blood glucose, blood pressure, and electrolyte concentrations
- Liver glycogen is the last resort for energy production
Potential Fat Loss Protocol
- One hour of hypertrophy or muscular endurance training (6–30 repetitions)
- High-intensity interval training (30–60 seconds with ample recovery)
- Steady-state cardiovascular exercise (optional)
Note: Total energy expenditure is the key factor for fat loss, not the specific fuel source (fat or carbohydrates).
Glucose as Primary Fuel Source for the Brain
- Glucose is the primary fuel source for the brain
- Blood glucose concentrations rise during exercise as an anticipatory state
- Liver kicks in to break down glycogen to maintain blood glucose levels
Glycogen Depletion and Fatigue
- Fatigue signals occur when muscle glycogen levels are lower than 75%
- Most people quit around 50% depletion
- Liver depletion leads to complete shutdown (e.g., marathon runners “bonking”)
Liver Depletion and Neural Signals
- Liver depletion likely sends a neural signal to the brain to stop activity
- Brain prioritizes self-preservation over pushing through fatigue
- Override switches can be activated to push past fatigue, but can lead to breaking down quickly
Converting Fat to Muscle and Muscle to Fat
- Fat cannot be turned into muscle, and muscle cannot be turned into fat
- These are separate structures with different functions
Losing Stored Fat and Glycogen Replenishment
- Burning muscle glycogen while in a hypocaloric state (below total caloric need) leads to fat loss
- Calories in and calories out are complex and interconnected
- Carbohydrates and fat are complementary systems, not “either/or” systems
- Carbohydrates provide flexibility and quick energy, while fat provides unlimited capacity
Metabolic Flexibility
- Metabolic flexibility refers to using optimal fuel sources and types, not just maximizing fat burning
- The goal is to maximize the ability to use both carbohydrates and fat as fuel sources
In a hypocaloric state, ingested carbohydrates are biased towards glycogen storage, while fat is utilized for activity and general physiology
Metabolic Flexibility and Fat Loss -
Metabolic flexibility: the ability to switch between using carbohydrates and fats for energy
- No specific standard for metabolic flexibility
- Depends on individual goals and activities
- Some markers to consider for metabolic flexibility:
- Blood glucose levels
- Ideally around 85 mg/dL or lower
- Every point increase above 85 increases the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by 6%
- AST and ALT levels
- AST to ALT ratio around 0.8 or lower
- Associated with blood glucose regulation
- Performance tests
- Standard workout with objective measures (time, heart rate, perceived exertion)
- Blood glucose levels
Understanding Metabolic Flexibility
- Metabolic flexibility is not always optimal for specific activities or sports
- Glycolytically dominated sports may benefit from a bias towards carbohydrate utilization
- Endurance sports may benefit from a bias towards fat utilization
- Most people want to feel great throughout the day and be able to do various activities
- Metabolic flexibility can help with this
Assessing Metabolic Flexibility
- No single test can definitively determine metabolic flexibility
- Look for patterns in biomarkers, symptomology, and performance
- Some tests to consider:
- Blood glucose levels
- AST and ALT levels
- Performance tests (standard workout with objective measures)
- These tests should be considered informative and useful, but not diagnostic
Increasing Metabolic Flexibility
- No specific standard for increasing metabolic flexibility
- Depends on individual goals and activities
- Some general recommendations:
- Maintain a balanced diet with appropriate macronutrient ratios
- Engage in regular exercise, including both aerobic and anaerobic activities
- Monitor biomarkers and adjust lifestyle factors accordingly
Fasted Training and Fuel Utilization
Fasted training can indicate how well one uses fat as a fuel source
- Poor performance or recovery during fasted training may indicate poor fat utilization
- Should be able to consume reasonable amounts of carbs without feeling sleepy or needing caffeine
Enhancing Fat and Carbohydrate Utilization
- Enhancing fat utilization:
- Train in a pre-fat ingested state
- Ingesting fat prior to training can signal the body to preferentially target fat as fuel
- Be aware that relying on fat as fuel may hinder top-end performance
- Enhancing carbohydrate utilization:
- Train at a higher intensity
- Ingest carbohydrates before exercise to bias towards carbohydrate utilization
- Ensure protein and fiber intake is stable and combined with carbohydrate intake to help stabilize blood glucose levels
Identifying and Addressing Fuel Utilization Issues
- Identifying poor fat utilization:
- Difficulty performing fasted training
- Slow heart rate recovery after exercise
- Identifying poor carbohydrate utilization:
- Crashing after consuming carbs
- Slow to start during exercise
- Addressing fuel utilization issues:
- Conduct extensive analyses (blood panel, urine, saliva, stool) to identify underlying causes
- Ensure proper food combinations (protein, fiber, and carbs)
- Train at appropriate intensities and with specific fuel sources to improve utilization
Fasted Training and Nutrition Options
Fasted training is not required for fat loss or fat adaptation, but it can be a useful tool
- Offers flexibility in training and nutrition options
- Can be combined with various nutrition strategies (high carb, low carb, etc.) to achieve performance and physique goals
Understanding Macronutrient Metabolism and Energy Production
Body uses ingested macronutrients as fuel sources
- Fat, carbohydrates, and glycogen are used for energy
- Energy production and waste management are key factors in endurance
Cellular Physiology and Energy Production
- Nucleus: holds DNA
- Mitochondria: involved in aerobic metabolism
- Cytoplasm: space between organelles, where anaerobic metabolism occurs
Anaerobic Metabolism
- Fastest way to produce energy
- Limited by storage capacity in cells
- Phosphocreatine stored in cytoplasm, used for quick energy
- Muscle glycogen also stored in cytoplasm, used for fast energy production
Aerobic Metabolism
- Occurs in mitochondria
- Produces more ATP than anaerobic metabolism
- Involves the TCA cycle (Krebs cycle)
Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Glucose: a six-carbon chain (C6H12O6)
- Glycolysis: splitting glucose into two three-carbon chains (pyruvate)
- Pyruvate can be converted to lactate, which can be used as fuel or transported to non-exercising muscles
- Acetyl CoA: two-carbon chain formed after pyruvate loses a carbon
- Krebs cycle: acetyl CoA enters the mitochondria and goes through a series of reactions, producing ATP and releasing carbon
Fat Metabolism
- Similar to carbohydrate metabolism, but involves breaking down fatty acids
- Slower process, but produces more ATP
Waste Management and Fatigue Buffering
- Anaerobic glycolysis produces waste products, such as hydrogen ions and inorganic phosphates
- Lactate helps manage acidity by binding to hydrogen ions
- Endurance is influenced by the ability to handle waste products and maintain energy production
Oxygen Availability and Energy Production
- Oxygen is required for aerobic metabolism and waste management
- Heart is an important site for oxygen availability and lactate processing
Energy Systems and Fuel Sources in Exercise
Phosphocreatine System (0–20 seconds)
- First source of energy for muscle contraction
- Stored in the cytoplasm of muscle fibers
- 1 molecule of phosphocreatine gives 1 molecule of ATP
- Fast energy output, but limited in duration
Anaerobic Glycolysis (20 seconds — 2 minutes)
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Initially uses glycogen stored in exercising muscle
- Can pull from blood glucose and liver glycogen if needed
- Glucose (6 carbon chain) is split into two 3‑carbon chains (pyruvate)
- Net gain of 3–4 ATP molecules
- Fast energy production, but limited in duration
- Training adaptation: increased glycogen storage in muscles
Aerobic Metabolism (2 minutes — marathon)
- Occurs in the mitochondria
- Pyruvate must enter the mitochondria to continue energy production
- Aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
- Fuel source ratios change depending on exercise duration and intensity
- Longer duration, lower intensity exercise relies more on fat stores
- Ingested carbohydrates, fats, and proteins can also contribute to energy production
Short Duration Exercise (Sprinting, 1 minute or less)
- Primarily uses phosphocreatine and anaerobic glycolysis
- Limited contribution from ingested carbohydrates, fats, or proteins
Medium Duration Exercise (3–5 minutes)
- Transition from anaerobic glycolysis to aerobic metabolism
- Increased reliance on ingested carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
- Stored glycogen and blood glucose still contribute to energy production
Long Duration Exercise (20 minutes — marathon)
- Predominantly aerobic metabolism
- Increased reliance on fat stores and ingested fats for energy
- Carbohydrate stores and ingested carbohydrates still contribute to energy production
- Protein contributes minimally to energy production, but can increase with prolonged exercise and depleted carbohydrate stores
Understanding Energy Production and Utilization of Carbons
- Breaking down glucose for energy production
- Starts with a six-carbon glucose molecule
- Split into two three-carbon molecules called pyruvate
- Anaerobic glycolysis produces a small amount of energy
- Dealing with excess carbon
- When pyruvate is converted to a two-carbon molecule called acetyl-CoA, a free-floating carbon is produced
- Oxygen is needed to combine with the free-floating carbon to create CO2, which is exhaled
- This process occurs in the mitochondria
- Limitations of anaerobic glycolysis
- High rate of waste production, leading to a buildup of lactate
- Lactate is not the cause of fatigue, but rather an acid buffer
- Can be used as a fuel source for exercise and cognition
- Aerobic glycolysis
- Occurs when pyruvate is transported into the mitochondria
- Can last from 90 seconds up to several hours, depending on the individual and activity
- Competitive marathon runners rely heavily on carbohydrates for energy
- Ingesting carbohydrates during exercise
- Many endurance athletes consume carbohydrates at specific intervals
- Be cautious of ingesting too many fast carbohydrates before exercise, as it can cause a blood sugar crash
- Practice your nutrition strategy during training to avoid surprises during a race or event
- Recap of energy production process
- Glucose is split into pyruvate through anaerobic glycolysis
- Pyruvate is transported into the mitochondria and converted to acetyl-CoA
- Acetyl-CoA goes through the Krebs cycle, producing ATP, water, and CO2
- The end product of carbohydrate metabolism is ATP, water, and CO2
The Importance of Exercise for Cognition
- Exercise has been shown to improve memory retention and exam scores
- 20 minutes of exercise prior to taking an exam can lead to better performance
- Lactate produced during exercise may contribute to these cognitive benefits
- Wendy Suzuki, a previous guest on the Huberman Lab podcast, is a pioneer in the field of exercise and cognition
- Conducts research on the effects of daily morning exercise on learning and memory
General Exercise and Nutrition Tips
- Don’t try new supplements, nootropics, or drastically change your routine before an important exam or event
- Keep your routine consistent to ensure optimal performance
Practice your nutrition and exercise strategies during training to avoid surprises during a race or event
Bookending and Carbon Gain in Exercise -
Circle of life: carbon gain and metabolism in living beings
- Endurance and fatigue resistance: waste management and energy production
- Aerobic exercise: bringing oxygen into the system for carbon management
- Limiting factors in endurance events: muscle glycogen, liver glycogen, acid buffering systems
Energy Sources: Carbohydrates, Fat, and Protein
- Protein: contributes 5–10% of energy output, only aerobic, not a significant performance enhancer
- Fat: majority comes from systemic sources, intramuscular triglycerides provide a small amount
- Carbohydrates: faster energy source due to direct availability in muscles
Fat as a Fuel Source
- Fat metabolism: lipolysis, glycerol backbone, fatty acid chains, beta oxidation
- Final endpoint of fat metabolism: water, ATP, and CO2 (same as carbohydrate metabolism)
- Exercise for fat loss: personal preference, combination of challenging and enjoyable activities
Exercise and Hunger
- Relationship between exercise intensity and hunger stimulus: not well understood
- Individual experiences vary: some people feel hungry after exercise, others do not
Factors to consider: personal preferences, appetite stimulating or inhibiting effects of exercise
Caloric Expenditure and Exercise -
Total caloric expenditure not generally reduced with high intensity or steady state training
- Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) increases with exercise
- Creating a caloric deficit through exercise helps with fat loss
Fuel Sources for Exercise
- Phosphocreatine: fast energy source, burns out quickly (like a match)
- Carbohydrate: moderate energy source, lasts longer than phosphocreatine (like burning newspaper)
- Fat: slow, long-lasting energy source (like burning wood)
- Protein: not an ideal energy source, body prefers not to use it (like trying to burn metal)
Low Carbohydrate Diets and Exercise
- Low carbohydrate diets can be effective for weight management and energy stabilization
- Not ideal for high-intensity or anaerobic exercise, as it downregulates enzymes responsible for using carbohydrates as a fuel source
- Works well for people who do limited exercise or low-intensity, long-duration activities
Nine Adaptations of Exercise
- Skill and technique
- Speed
- Power (speed x force)
- Strength
- Hypertrophy
- Muscular endurance
- Anaerobic capacity
- Maximal aerobic output
- Long-duration exercise
Muscular Endurance
- Local muscle adaptation, not cardiovascular or systemic
- Involves activities with 5–50 repetitions (e.g., push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, planks, wall sits)
Important for maintaining posture and performing repetitive tasks
Metabolism and Muscular Endurance -
Limiting factors in performing 50 pushups in a row:
- Not running out of fat or glycogen
- Acid buildup and waste clearance in muscle tissue
- Large muscle groups (e.g., quads, glutes) produce more waste and pain than small muscle groups (e.g., triceps)
- Vomiting after intense exercise due to waste buildup in the system
- Muscular endurance requires managing acid buildup and waste clearance
- Plenty of fuel available
- Capillarization (increase in capillaries) helps disperse waste products
- Slight increase in mitochondria, but not the main focus due to short time frame
Strategies to Increase Acid Buffering Ability and Capillarization
- Train at the ability close to failure to increase blood flow and capillarization
- Specificity is key
- Repeatedly performing movements (e.g., wall sit, pushups, dips) provides stimulus for more capillaries to be built
- Increased capillaries help with oxygen delivery and waste removal
- Exact signal for capillary growth is not yet known
- Possibly a combination of acidity, carbon dioxide, and nitric oxide
Training Protocol for Muscular Endurance
- Exercise choice: high precision, targeting specific muscle groups and movement patterns
- To improve a specific exercise, perform that exercise regularly
- Order: perform exercises targeting different muscle groups to avoid excessive fatigue
- Volume: high repetitions, close to failure
- Frequency: depends on individual goals and recovery ability
- Can be multiple times per week for specific muscle groups
- Example training session:
- Pushups to failure
- Wall sits to failure
- Dips to failure
- Rest and repeat for desired number of sets
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