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3 Min Read
Last Updated: 21.06.23

Dr. Dominic D’Agostino on Developing a Well-​​Designed Ketogenic Diet and Harnessing Its Benefits

Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is a leading expert in metabolic health and ketogenic diets. Rhonda Patrick highlights his extensive experience and research, emphasizing the practical knowledge gained from his personal adoption of the ketogenic diet for over a decade. His work spans human and animal studies, providing valuable insights into the benefits and mechanisms of ketogenic nutrition.

Key Takeaways

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  • Dr. Dominic D’Agostino on Developing a Well-​​Designed Ketogenic Diet and Harnessing Its Benefits

    Found My Fitness #74

    Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is an expert in metabolic health and ketogenic diets.

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