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2 Min Read
Last Updated: 29.05.23

Biotracking, Age Reversal & Other Advanced Health Technologies

David Sinclair and Matthew LaPlante explore current and near-​​future health and aging technologies. They discuss the importance of wearable sensors and measuring biological age, while highlighting innovative research targeting biological age reversal. The societal impact of therapies that extend healthspan and lifespan is also examined.

Key Takeaways

High level takeaways from the episode.

New tests can detect 50 different types of cancers before they become tumors

  • Cancer cells release signalers (blood analytes) into the bloodstream
  • Detecting these signalers allows for early detection and treatment

Future of Healthcare

  • Wearables and implantables will change the way we address health
  • Scaled access to biological aging clocks
  • Monitoring at home and remote healthcare will become more prevalent
  • Early detection and treatment of diseases will improve health outcomes and extend lifespans

Geneticists developing tests to find circulating DNA in blood

  • Catch tumors early, treat with chemotherapy before spreading

Blood tests can measure inflammatory markers predicting cardiovascular disease

Wearable devices like Bio Button monitor heart function

  • FDA approved EKG
  • Used to send patients home early after heart attack or surgery

Continuous Glucose Monitors

  • Monitor blood sugar levels in real-time
  • Help individuals understand how food affects their blood sugar
  • Encourages healthier eating habits

Top 5 biomarkers to monitor constantly:

  • Glucose
  • Heart function
  • Inflammation (CRP — C‑reactive protein)
  • TNF alpha or IL-​​116 (predictive of longevity)
  • Cortisol (stress levels and over-exercising)

Future of biomonitoring:

  • Wearables and semi-implantables
  • Nano-​​biosensors (measure various things through the skin)
  • Implantable sensors that last for months or even a lifetime

Genetic data implications:

  • Affects family members who share genetic data
  • Can be used to solve cold cases or track individuals
  • Potential for misuse by governments or other entities

Scientists working on biosensors:

  • Contact lenses for measuring blood glucose levels
  • Tooth sensors for measuring bacteria in the mouth
  • Viome for analyzing gut health and providing personalized supplement
  • Mouth guard biosensors for detecting markers in blood and saliva
  • Temporary tattoo biosensors and sweat microfluidic biosensors for detecting hormones
  • Future medicine will likely incorporate AI and personalized data for more accurate and effective treatment

Tracking devices help understand effective exercise for reducing biological age

Gene therapy using three genes (Oct4, Sox2, KLF4) can reset the age of cells

  • Successful experiments in mice, reversing blindness and restoring vision
  • Potential applications in other age-​​related diseases (Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer)

Greg Fahey’s Trim Trial

  • Used metformin, growth hormone, and DHEA
  • After one year of treatment, participants’ epigenetic clocks were reset by 2.5 years on average
  • Unclear if this can be repeated multiple times or if it affects the whole body

Potential risks of age resetting

  • Stimulating cancer cells
  • Unknown long-​​term safety

Implications of longer lifespans: population growth

  • Advanced countries have declining population growth rates
  • Humanity predicted to peak at 10–11 billion and then decline

Implications of longer lifespans: resource management

  • Need to preserve the environment and reduce waste
  • Longer, healthier lives can lead to increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs

Implications of longer lifespans: Economic benefits

  • Extending lifespan by one year with metformin could add $86 trillion to the US economy
  • Extending lifespan by ten years could add $360 trillion to the US economy

Implications of longer lifespans: Education and career opportunities

  • Longer lives allow for multiple career changes and opportunities
  • “Skill Sabbatical” — paid time off to change careers or pursue passions
  • Longer lives can lead to more intergenerational wisdom and knowledge sharing

Living longer, healthier lives can reduce the burden on families and society

  • People may have a responsibility to maintain their health and contribute to society for as long as possible


We recommend using this distillation as a supplemental resource to the source material.

  • Biotracking, Age Reversal & Other Advanced Health Technologies

    Lifespan Podcast #8

    In the final episode, Sinclair explores wearable sensors and reversing aging, discussing societal impacts of extending healthspan and lifespan. Innovative research and near-​​future technologies are showcased.

Full Notes

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