Key Takeaways
High level takeaways from the episode.
Science-based tools and supplements that push the needle.
Full Notes
Cannabis contains over 70 psychoactive compounds and 400 biologically active compounds, most notably THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD (cannabinoid), and CDN (cannabinol)
- THC is largely responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis (changes in mood, body state, etc.)
- CBD has profound effects on the brain and body but without perception of altered mood – CBD doesn’t “get you high”
- Sativa strain: creates a head “high” and acts as a stimulant – invigorating, alert, heightened sense of creativity and focus, less susceptible to pain; can be consumed by smoking, edible, sublingual
- Indica strain: creates a more full body relaxation, sedative effect; can be consumed by smoking, edible, sublingual
- Hybrid strains combine sativa and indica strains to give rise to nuanced brain and body effects
- Each strain is further be classified into Type 1 (THC dominant), Type 2 (equal ratios THC:CBD), and Type 3 (CBD dominant) strains based on the ratio of THC to CBD
Brain Receptors
Nicotinic receptors are naturally occurring in the brain and body, binding acetylcholine.
In tobacco, nicotine binds to the nicotinic receptors which have a greater affinity for them, and creates an intense focus that’s not naturally produced in the body.
In a similar way, we have cannabinoid receptors in cells of the brain and body — these cause biological effects on mood, hunger, etc. when the endogenous (internally produced) chemical binds to them.
Marijuana binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body with a much higher potency than our endogenous cannabinoids.
Analog — if you take synthetic estrogen or testosterone, you experience super-physiological effects, it’s not normal.
Endogenous Cannabinoids
Endogenous cannabinoids are released from post-synaptic neurons — this is different from most neurotransmitters, which are released from pre-synaptic neurons.
Endogenous cannabinoids modify the probability that a neuron will release a neurotransmitter.
Endogenous cannabinoids have effects all over the body — on neurons on immune cells, reproductive organs, liver, digestion, hunger, etc.
- They regulate the communication between neurons; either increasing or decreasing communication
Two kinds of endogenous cannabinoid receptors:
- CB1, in the nervous system
- CB2, throughout the body
Cannabis binds to the CB1 receptor — the binding is so strong that it outcompetes the endogenous cannabinoid system.
Cannabis enters bloodstream within 30 seconds.
- Reaches its peak after 30–60 minutes, total duration around 3–4 hours
Cannabis cells are lipophilic — they bind to the fatty membrane around neurons, get into most cells, and remain there for a long time
- Detectable in system for ~80 days because of this
Effects of Sativa Strains
- Stimulant
- Mood elevation
- Energetic
- ‘Head high’
- Narrowed sense of focus
- Increase CB1 activation
- Overall reduction in stress and quieting other circuitry
Effects of Indica Strains
- Relaxing
- Sedative
- Shuts down threat detectors in the brain
- Binds to CB1 receptors
Subjective effects and biological reasons
- Memory deficit: due to reductions in the electrical activity of the hippocampus, which is responsible for short-term memory
- Drop in physical activity: basal ganglia and cerebellum suppressed
- Red eyes and dry mouth: reductions in saliva because of CB1/CB2 receptors in eyes + mouth
- ‘Munchies’: signaling of hypothalamus to the gut, which activates neurons
- Triggers preoccupation with anticipation and taste of food
- Triggers narrowed focus on food
- Some anti-pain effects: CB1
Most studies don’t delineate between indica and sativa strain.
Two different types of creative thinking:
- Divergent thinking — brainstorming or exploring ideas
- Convergent thinking — taking loose ideas, synthesizing them into specific framework or coherent idea
Dopamine is closely related to both types of thinking.
- High dopamine = more frequent divergent thinking, low convergent thinking
- Once you pass a threshold of dopamine, divergent thinking also dips — there’s a sweet spot
Creative process (scientifically, reductionist) involves going into a state where you’re willing to consider a lot of options, disparate or disconnected. Dopamine facilitates this state, where you’re experiencing joy and a pleasure in throwing out all these disparate ideas.
- Then when dopamine drops, you start engaging in convergent thinking — narrowing, editing
Some evidence cannabis may enhance creativity
- By increasing dopamine and divergent thinking
- But could also be explained by the fact that cannabis changes personality of users in a way that taps into the creative process of divergent thinking, rather than impacting the neural circuits themselves
- Cannabis users are more open to new experiences and ways of thinking
- May also reduce anxiety, unlocking a willingness to explore different options
Effects on Speech
Impacts basil ganglia and CB1, which disrupts the neural circuitry of speech.
Effects of chronic use of cannabis on speech:
- Change in vocal effort & intensity
- Changes in pronunciation of words and emphasis on particular words in a sentence
- May read sentences with less intonation and annunciation in their voice
Hormones & Libido
Some individuals experience increase libido with cannabis use, some experience suppressed libido
- Dependent on whether cannabis raises prolactin levels in the individual
- Generally speaking, smoking more than 2x/week increases prolactin levels, which lowers libido
- There’s a subset of people where prolactin is lowered from cannabis smoking, which will increase libido
- Edible cannabis doesn’t seem to have same effect on prolactin/dopamine/libido
- Research isn’t extensive enough to draw conclusions
Effects on Hormones from smoking more than 2x/week
- Appears to reduce testosterone significantly, elevate aromatase enzyme (enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen)
- Appears to impair sperm motility
- Some men experience gynecomastia
- Increases cortisol in some, reduces in others
- THC is inhibitory for gonadotropin-releasing hormone which ultimately reduces testosterone in men, ovarian health in women
Women should avoid Cannabis and CBD while breastfeeding or pregnant.
- CB1 receptors are an integral part of neural development, present in the newborn and the fetus
- 15% of pregnant mothers report to use cannabis in some form or another — scary statistic
Negative Health Effects
Smoking or vaping anything severely impairs the function of endothelial cells that make up the brain and body.
Chronic Use Increasing Anxiety + Depression
- Levels of anxiety and depression, when not under the influence, increase over 12 months in chronic users (more than 2x per week) of cannabis
- Over time, requires it higher and higher dosage to elicit the same effects
- Anxiety during and outside of drug use gets worse over time
- Depression increases over time for people that were not already depressed when they started using
- Cannabis use itself makes people 4x likelier to develop chronic major depression
Risks with Young People + Cannabis
Chronic use of cannabis 16–24 year olds leads to a higher likelihood of developing depression, anxiety later in life, because brain is still developing.
- 4x greater risk of psychosis for those that have a predisposition to bipolar disorder and/or schizophrenia
For those who start using cannabis at 12 or 14, risk of psychotic episode increases greatly, because of thinning of gray matter — which is involved in planning & executing plans, and organizing life.
- Making plans and being able to execute plans is fundamental being a healthy human being — the more cannabis one uses, the more impaired those neural circuits are.
- Some recovery of brain function can be restored by focusing on behaviors that increase brain health
- Cardiovascular exercise, adequate nutrition, not smoking nicotine, adequate sleep, weight training, good social connection.
Positive Medical Uses of Cannabis in Adults
- Cancer: increase appetite, reduce nausea from chemotherapy
- Glaucoma: reduce intraocular pressure
- Pain reduction