Developing a Rational Approach to Supplementation for Health & Performance
In this episode, Dr. Huberman explains how to design a supplementation protocol to optimize mental and physical health based on individual needs, nutrition, lifestyle, and budget. He covers foundational supplements like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, adaptogens, and probiotics, and explores single-ingredient supplements for sleep, cognition, and hormone balance. Dosage, sourcing, schedules, and layering are discussed for safety and efficacy.
We recommend using this distillation as a supplemental resource to the source material.
Full Notes
- Supplements are not just food supplements; they can be efficacious for enhancing sleep, hormone function, and focus
- Supplements can be good or dangerous depending on dosage, sourcing, etc.
- The goal is to provide a rational guide to supplementation, taking into account various factors
Layers of Mental Health, Physical Health, and Performance
- Behavioral tools: Actions we take and avoid (e.g., viewing morning sunlight, exercise, avoiding bright light exposure at night, avoiding caffeine late in the afternoon)
- Nutrition: Macronutrients, storage of energy, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients
- Supplementation: Non-prescription compounds for various purposes, many of which are not available in food
- Prescription drugs: Prescribed by a board-certified MD for specific health conditions
Developing a Rational Supplementation Protocol
- Consult a trusted board-certified physician before adding or subtracting any behavioral protocols, nutritional protocols, supplementation-based protocols, or prescription drug-based protocols
- Understand where you have needs that can be met by supplementation better than any other approach
- Learn how to think about supplementation and how it interacts with your nutrition and behaviors to maximize immediate and long-term health
Categories of Supplements
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Adaptogens: Compounds that help the body adapt to stress and exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes
Key Points
- Supplements are not just food supplements; they can be efficacious for enhancing sleep, hormone function, and focus
- Behavioral tools, nutrition, supplementation, and prescription drugs are all layers of mental health, physical health, and performance
- Consult a trusted board-certified physician before making any changes to your health regimen
- Understand where you have needs that can be met by supplementation better than any other approach
Learn how to think about supplementation and how it interacts with your nutrition and behaviors to maximize immediate and long-term health
Supplementation in a Larger Context -
Supplements cannot replace healthy behaviors
- No pill can replace sunshine, exercise, social connection, sleep, or learning
- Better living through chemistry still requires better living
- Ideal supplementation protocol depends on individual needs and goals
Foundational Supplements
- Designed to establish a foundation or provide insurance for nutritional intake
- Ensure a basic level of mental health, physical health, and optimal performance
- Appropriate to have multiple ingredients in foundational supplements
- Vitamins and minerals to compensate for deficiencies from diet or fasting
- Skeptics argue that supplements only produce expensive urine
- True for water-soluble vitamins (e.g., vitamin C) if ingested in high amounts
- Many people may not get enough water-soluble vitamins from their diet
- Ingesting higher-than-needed amounts can be safe if not exceedingly high
- Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body, potentially causing issues if taken in excess
- Unlikely to be a problem if vitamin-mineral supplements are not taken in excess
Deciding to Take Vitamin-Mineral Supplements
- Consider the cost and whether it’s within your budget
- Prices can range from pennies per day to tens of dollars per day
- Variations in quality and sourcing can affect the price
- Assess your current diet and nutritional intake
- Different diets (vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, carnivore) provide varying levels of vitamins and minerals
- Frequency and quantity of food consumption also play a role
Consult with a healthcare professional to determine if supplementation is necessary for your specific needs
Quality and Cost of Vitamin Mineral Supplements -
No significant differences in quality between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins in cheaper vs. more expensive supplements
- Cost typically scales with dosages and sourcing of vitamins and minerals
- Consider financial affordability and ability to obtain vitamins and minerals from food sources
Factors to Consider for Vitamin Mineral Supplements
- Suitable for highly physically or mentally active individuals or those following intermittent fasting
- Important to ingest with food, ideally early in the day
- Avoid exceedingly high dosages to prevent buildup of fat-soluble vitamins and over-reliance on supplements for nutrition
Importance of Non-Processed and Minimally Processed Foods
- Aim for 75%-80% of food intake from non-processed or minimally processed sources
- Avoid highly processed foods with long ingredient lists and shelf lives
- Focus on fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, rice, oatmeals, pastas, and beans
Foundational Supplements
- Expanded to include vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, adaptogens, probiotics, and prebiotics
- Digestive enzymes found in foods like papaya and pineapple
- Adaptogens, such as ashwagandha, improve the body and brain’s ability to buffer against stressors
- Probiotics and prebiotics support the gut microbiome
Supporting the Gut Microbiome
- Consume low-sugar fermented foods (e.g., sauerkraut, kimchi, Greek yogurt, kombucha, kefir, natto)
- Aim for four servings a day to improve gut microbiome function, immune system, and reduce inflammation
- Fiber intake can also support gut microbiome, but effects vary among individuals
Foundational supplements often include prebiotics and probiotics to support gut microbiota and gut-brain axis
Importance of Gut Microbiome Support -
Most people lack gut microbiome support from their diet
- Low sugar fermented foods and prebiotic fiber are essential
- Prebiotic and probiotic capsules can be expensive and require refrigeration
- Pickles, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods must be refrigerated to support gut microbiome
Foundational Supplements
- Support the gut microbiome through prebiotics and probiotics
- Be cautious of excessive amounts, which can lead to brain fog and other issues
- Adaptogens: micronutrients, herbs, and non-psychedelic mushrooms that buffer stress and enhance cognitive function
- Hard to obtain sufficient concentrations from food sources
- Foundational supplements should include vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and adaptogens
- Athletic Greens is one example of a comprehensive foundational supplement
Determining the Right Supplement
- Ask three questions:
- How well are you sleeping at night?
- How is your nutrition?
- What is your budget for supplements?
- If budget is $100 or more per month, focus on foundational supplements like Athletic Greens or similar products
- If budget is lower than $100 per month, explore other options for foundational supplementation
Single Ingredient Formulation Supplements
- Designed to achieve specific endpoints
- Can be used in combination with foundational supplements to target specific needs
- Sleep is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance
- Struggling with sleep can lead to mood, cognitive clarity, and performance issues
- Consider nutrition and behavioral tools:
- Limit or eliminate caffeine after 2:00 p.m.
- Avoid food within 2 hours prior to bedtime
- Supplements to support sleep:
- Myoinositol (900 mg) — helps shorten the time to fall back asleep if waking up in the middle of the night
- L‑theanine (100–400 mg) — helps with falling asleep, but may cause excessively vivid dreams for some people
- Magnesium Threonate or Magnesium Bisglycinate — helps with falling asleep faster and deeper sleep
- Apigenin — derivative of Chamomile, helps with anxiety and falling asleep
- Systematically try supplements for falling asleep vs. remaining asleep
- Try single ingredient formulations for about a week without changing other factors
- Evaluate which supplement works best for you
Cognitive Enhancement and Focus
Not discussed in the provided transcript
Supplementation for Sleep -
Importance of isolating variables in supplementation
- Helps find what works best for the individual
- Keeps costs limited
- Identifies what works poorly and what works well
- Hormone that induces sleepiness, but not maintaining sleep
- Supplements often contain excessive amounts compared to natural levels
- Can impact other hormone systems, such as reproductive hormones
- Useful for jet lag and occasional use, but caution advised
- Inconsistent dosages in supplements, even from reputable brands
Dependency on sleep supplements
- No problem falling and staying asleep without supplements
- Depth and duration of sleep may be better with supplementation
- Not the same dependence as with sleeping pills
- Placebo effects and belief effects can play a role
- Experiment with taking breaks from supplements to assess dependency
Hormone Support
- Optimizing hormones is crucial for mental health, physical health, and performance
- Hormone health can be improved through non-prescription supplements
- Adequate calories from high-quality sources are essential for hormone health
- Insufficient calories can lead to issues with testosterone and estrogen levels
Behavioral Tools and Nutrition for Hormone Health
- Ensuring proper calorie intake and high-quality sources of nutrition
- Regular exercise and stress management
- Adequate sleep and proper supplementation
Supplementation for Cognitive Enhancement and Focus
- Stimulant and non-stimulant supplements can enhance cognitive ability and focus
- No dependency established by taking supplements for cognitive enhancement
- Placebo effects and belief effects can play a role in perceived dependency
Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) binds to testosterone and other hormones, preventing them from being in their active form
- Intermittent fasting or low carbohydrate diets can lead to higher SHBG levels
- Consuming enough calories and carbohydrates can lower SHBG and increase free testosterone
Nutrition and Behaviors for Hormone Support
- Nutrition and behaviors should be optimized before considering supplementation or prescription approaches
- Morning sunlight exposure can increase cortisol levels for focus, alertness, and immune function
- Strenuous exercise, including cardiovascular and resistance training, can alter hormone profiles
Broadband Support for Multiple Hormones
- Shilajit (contains fulvic acid) can increase FSH, libido, and indirectly increase testosterone
- Ashwagandha can reduce cortisol levels and indirectly increase testosterone
- Should not be taken for more than two weeks at high dosages
- L‑carnitine can improve sperm motility, egg quality, and impact mitochondrial pathways
Supplements for Specific Hormone Pathways
- Maca root can increase libido, particularly in women and those taking SSRIs
- Works through dopamine-related pathways and upstream hormone pathways
- Supplements for growth hormone:
- Quality deep sleep and avoiding food intake 2 hours before sleep can boost growth hormone
- Arginine supplementation has weak evidence for increasing growth hormone
- Prescription compounds like Cermarellin and growth hormone can significantly increase growth hormone levels
Supplements for testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH):
- LH is released from the pituitary gland and stimulates estrogen and testosterone production
- Supplements that increase GnRH and/or LH can indirectly increase testosterone and estrogen
- Both testosterone and estrogen are important for libido, muscle growth, and overall health in males and females
Supplements for Hormone Augmentation
Phdogia agrestus
- Herb that can impact luteinizing hormone pathway and GnRH
- Dosages of 600mg per day can elevate libido, sperm production, testosterone, and estrogen
- Can be toxic at high dosages, so follow recommended dosage and cycle usage (e.g., 8 weeks on, 2 weeks off or 12 weeks on, 1 month off)
- Blood tests are essential to evaluate the impact of supplements on hormones
- Tongkat Ali
- Can increase libido and free testosterone by reducing sex hormone-binding globulin
- Beneficial for both men and women in dosages from 200mg to 600mg per day
- Effects may take longer to experience (8–12 weeks)
- Likely impacts neural pathways as well as hormone pathways
- Does not need to be cycled like Phdogia agrestus
Considerations for Hormone Supplementation
- Start with the minimum effective dose and build up your protocols over time
- Isolate variables by taking one supplement at a time and evaluating its effects
- Blood tests are crucial for determining the effectiveness and safety of supplements
- Floor effects and ceiling effects: individuals with lower hormone levels may experience greater effects from supplements, while those with higher levels may not see much change
Female Hormone Health and Supplementation
- Women should expect that certain supplements may have different effects at different phases of the menstrual cycle due to varying hormone levels
- Upcoming episode on female hormones and hormone health will cover this topic in more detail “Human3 Attia Style” Notes:
Supplement Regimen and Menstrual Cycle
- Importance of dosage and ingredient control in supplements
- Example: Shilaji, Tonga Ali, Maka — benefits vary across menstrual cycle phases
- Adjusting dosage or stopping intake during certain phases
- Hormone-based birth control can impact hormone fluctuations
- May affect how supplements interact with the body
Fertility and Supplements
- Supplements can improve sperm and egg health (e.g., L‑carnitine)
- Injectable L‑carnitine requires prescription in the US
- Consider interactions between fertility supplements and hormone-based medications
- Relevant for couples trying to conceive, undergoing IVF, etc.
- Upcoming podcast episodes on fertility and female hormone health
Cognitive Enhancement and Focus Supplements
- Two categories:
- Stimulant-based supplements (e.g., caffeine)
- Non-stimulant-based supplements (e.g., Alpha GPC)
Stimulant-Based Supplements
- Caffeine: increases alertness and focus
- Effective even with regular use
- Avoid intake past 2 PM to prevent sleep disruption
- Sleep: best cognitive enhancer
- Sufficient sleep duration crucial for focus and memory consolidation
- Nutrition: balance hunger and calorie intake for optimal focus
- Caffeine sources: coffee, tea, energy drinks, pure supplements (tablets/capsules)
- Pure caffeine supplements have more potent and long-lasting effects
- Caution for those with anxiety or panic attacks
- Other stimulants: yohimbine, alpha yohimbine (Rauwolscine)
- Marketed for libido and erectile function, but low efficacy
- Effective as stimulants for alertness, fat loss, and focus
- Can cause anxiety in some individuals
Non-Stimulant-Based Supplements
Alpha GPC: choline donor, enhances focus through acetylcholine pathways
Alpha GPC and L‑Tyrosine for Focus -
Alpha GPC dosages: 300–600mg
- Half-life: 4–6 hours
- Enhances focus by augmenting acetylcholine pathways
- Increases alertness but not a stimulant like caffeine
- L‑Tyrosine dosages: 500–1000mg
- Amino acid precursor to dopamine
- Enhances focus without stimulant-based alertness
- Combining Alpha GPC and L‑Tyrosine
- Can be taken together if tried separately and found effective
- Cholinergic stimulation from Alpha GPC and dopaminergic stimulation from L‑Tyrosine increase focus without overstimulation
Omega‑3 Fatty Acids for Brain and Body Health
- Benefits of omega‑3 fatty acids:
- Offset depression and improve mood
- Reduce the need for antidepressant medication
- Improve metabolic function and cardiovascular health
- Enhance focus and cognitive ability
- Ingesting 1–3 grams of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) daily
- Can be found in fish oil capsules or liquid
- Beneficial for brain and body health
- Mothers who supplement with omega-3s have healthier offspring with greater brain weights
Food-Based or Food Mimic Supplements
- Examples: whey proteins, milk proteins, egg proteins, plant proteins, branched-chain amino acids, green tea supplements
- Can serve as meal replacements and provide convenience
- Whole foods are still important for fiber, satiety, and additional nutrients not found in supplements
Age-Related Effects and Supplements for Kids
Omega‑3 fatty acids can be beneficial for developing children
- Can be obtained from food sources or supplemented
- Some parents choose to supplement on top of a healthy diet for optimal development
Melatonin and Children
Melatonin is already chronically elevated in kids
- Growing body of literature suggests potential harm in melatonin supplementation for children
- Approach melatonin with caution, especially for kids
Supplements for Different Age Groups
- Hormone augmentation and support supplements should be avoided for children unless recommended by a board-certified MD
- Be cautious about augmenting hormones in young people through supplementation
- For ages 22–24 and older, no significant differences in protocols between age groups
- Cognitive enhancement may be more beneficial for older individuals due to age-related cognitive decline
Importance of Behaviors and Nutrition
- Behaviors such as exercise, sleep, light exposure, and social connection are crucial for overall health
- Nutritional tools and behavioral tools serve as the primary foundation for supplementation protocols
- Supplementation may not be necessary for everyone, but can be beneficial for those looking to enhance sleep, focus, and hormone function
Developing a Rational Supplementation Protocol
- Focus on single ingredient formulations for sleep, hormone health, and cognitive function
- Foundational supplements (vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, and adaptogens) can be combined
- Single ingredient formulations give more control and allow for finding minimal effective doses
- Aim to create a manageable and effective supplementation regimen without excessive spending
Supplements as Potent Compounds
- Supplements can be powerful tools for mental and physical health and performance
- They are just one element within an ecosystem of factors, including behaviors, nutrition, and prescription drugs
- Customize tools for individual mental and physical health and performance
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