Jocko Willink: How to Become Resilient, Forge Your Identity & Lead Others
Dr. Huberman interviews Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL officer and author, on building identity, discipline, leadership, and personal growth. They discuss mindset, routines, physical action, and tools for energy, productivity, and creativity. The conversation spans mental health, physical performance, and actionable strategies for a meaningful life.
Key Takeaways
Key points from the episode.
Note: because this episode is conversational, we highly recommend watching/listening to it.
We recommend using this distillation as a supplemental resource to the source material.
Full Notes
- Jocko Willink: retired Navy Seal, author, and host of the Jocko podcast
- Served with Seal Team Three, Task Unit Bruiser in Ramadi, Iraq, and other deployments in Asia and Europe
- Developed leadership tools based on his experience in the Seal teams
- Authored books like Extreme Ownership and The Way of the Warrior Kid
- Jocko’s tools have parallels with science-based tools discussed on the Huberman Lab podcast
Jocko’s Tools for Physical and Cognitive Energy
- Generating more physical energy
- Generating more focus and cognitive energy
- Navigating sticking points: dealing with lack of motivation and difficult relationships
- Understanding self-identity and its role in consistent actions over time
Science Behind Jocko’s Tools
- Jocko and Andrew discuss the likely scientific mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of Jocko’s tools
- Both are avid learners and practitioners, constantly seeking knowledge
Enhancing Mental and Physical Health
- Jocko’s tools can help improve mental health, physical health, and performance in all aspects of life
Jocko’s Background in Podcasting
- Jocko started podcasting without prior practice or planning
Andrew Huberman and Lex Fridman are also podcasters who started without formal training
Guest embodies discipline and has knowledge from different domains of life
- Discussing the idea of sense of self and early experiences
- Guest’s experiences were gradual, discovering he was a person and could make things happen
- Example: Chatting with a retail sales girl at age 10, making her laugh, realizing he could impact others
- Hungarian psychologists’ idea of two kinds of people: generators and projectors
- Generators: impact others and create things in the world
- Projectors: reflect on what they see, not necessarily bad, the world needs both
- Guest’s experience in the military
- Blank slate upon joining, performance determines recognition and control over destiny
- Realizing actions taken now can impact the future positively or negatively
- The idea of investments and withdrawals in terms of health and intellectual behaviors
The military attracts different types of people
- Some want to instill order on themselves, others on other people
- Book: “The Psychology of Military Incompetence” by a WWII veteran who understands the military
- Discusses the distinction between officers and enlisted personnel
Military Mindsets and Stereotypes
Military appears orderly and disciplined from the outside
- Attracts people with authoritarian mindsets
- These individuals can do well in non-combat situations (Garrison)
- Combat situations require a more open, flexible mindset
- Chaotic and unpredictable
- Individuals with open mindsets excel in combat
- Stereotypes exist for different military branches
- Marines: steeped in tradition, strong culture
- Navy: decentralized command, adaptability
- Army and Marine Corps: more structured, doctrine-based
- Outliers exist in each branch
Balancing Discipline and Freedom
- Discipline and structure are important for effectiveness in life
- Freedom, play, and relaxation are also important for personal connections and creativity
- Jocko Willink balances discipline with moments of relaxation and play, such as playing guitar with friends
- Understanding the balance between structure and lack of structure can help individuals be more effective in various aspects of life, including relationships, fitness, business, and creative endeavors
Jocko Willink’s Personal Balance
- Jocko is known for his disciplined daily routine, including waking up early and training
- He also values moments of freedom and relaxation, such as playing guitar and connecting with others
Balancing discipline and freedom is important for overall well-being and effectiveness in life
Jocko Willink’s Daily Training Routine -
Wakes up early around 4:30 am and trains every morning
- Training duration varies depending on the day’s schedule, ranging from 8 minutes to 3 hours
- Enjoys various forms of physical activity, including weightlifting, cardio, running, sprinting, kettlebell exercises, and jiu-jitsu
- Adapts his training routine based on his goals and interests at the time
- Logs his daily workouts to track progress and make adjustments as needed
Energy and Exercise
- Jocko’s energy levels vary upon waking up, but he doesn’t dwell on it and starts his day with exercise
- Exercise generally makes him feel better and gives him more energy
- Going too hard in workouts can lead to tiredness, but this is not a daily occurrence
- Jocko believes that working out is beneficial for everyone and can help improve energy levels
Circadian Biology and Exercise
- Science is increasingly supporting the benefits of early morning exercise and sunlight exposure for overall health and energy levels
Military schedules often incorporate these principles intuitively, aligning with scientific recommendations for optimal performance and well-being
Importance of Early Physical Activity and Cortisol -
Waking up early and engaging in physical activity amplifies cortisol peak
- Cortisol release once every 24 hours, non-negotiable
- Sunlight viewing increases cortisol by 50%
- Exercise adds another 50% to 75% increase
- Cortisol sets a timer for sleepiness 14 to 16 hours later
- Movement and exercise give energy
Eating Habits and Energy
- Eating a big meal can slow down physical and mental performance
- Mental clarity is higher when not eating before physical or cognitive tasks
- Neural energy is crucial for performing tasks and digesting food
- Hydration is essential for maintaining energy levels
Creating Energy through Physical Activity
- Engaging in physical activities like lifting, running, and burpees creates energy
- Cold water exposure, such as ice baths or cold showers, induces adrenaline release and increases energy
Identity and Energy in Living a Good Life
- Focusing on identity and energy can account for 75% of living a good life
Importance of regular meal schedules, sleep, and physical activity for maintaining energy levels
Mastering Neural Energy and Exercise -
Neural energy restoration through sleep
- Exercise creates energy
- Neural circuits control deliberate action
- Central pattern generators work in the background for repetitive movement
- Release of catecholamines (neuromodulators) set the gain higher for the whole system
- Repetitive movement increases energy for more deliberate tasks
Experience with Ruck Marching and Exercise
- Ruck marching with heavy weight
- First few minutes are difficult, then becomes automatic and manageable
- High-intensity, anaerobic exercise (e.g., biking, rowing, kettlebell swings) for 10–15 minutes can peak mentality for the day
Cold Water Exposure
- Cold water exposure before training can increase dopamine and adrenaline
- Increases performance by creating energy and waking people up
- Cold water exposure after training can help with discipline, resilience, and dopamine increase
- Long-lasting dopamine increase (2–3 hours) compared to sharp increases and decreases from substances like cocaine
- Cold exposure may inhibit hypertrophy, but benefits may outweigh the drawbacks for some individuals
Winning, Losing, and Cognitive Effects
- Experiences with wins and losses in military deployments
- Importance of acknowledging losses and remembering those who served
Understanding that things don’t always work out as planned and can have catastrophic consequences
Winning, Losing, and Energy in Teams -
Winning releases dopamine and testosterone, providing energy to win more
- Losing can decrease testosterone and dopamine, leading to less energy
- SEAL teams selection process weeds out those who can’t recover quickly from losses
- Many high-level athletes quit during training due to not knowing how to handle losses
- In the teams, leaders must manage morale and energy levels
- When winning, leaders must prevent arrogance and overconfidence
- When losing, leaders must lift spirits and refocus the team on improvement
Leadership and the “Mob Mentality”
- Leaders must detach themselves from the mob mentality to effectively manage morale
- When the team is winning, leaders must bring them back to the center line
- When the team is losing, leaders must motivate and refocus the team
- Taking action is a cure for many problems in life
- Helps to contend with adversity and move forward
- Applies to both personal and professional situations
Energy Management and Eastern Philosophy
- Eastern philosophy and neuroscience both support the idea of managing energy
- Overindulging in dopamine-releasing activities can deplete dopamine systems
- Leaders must help the team use their energy wisely and not burn it up
The concept of qi (energy) in Eastern traditions aligns with managing energy in teams
- After a loss, leaders must help the team tap back into their energy reserves
- Taking action is necessary to increase the intensity of the “flame” and regain energy
Energy, Confidence, and Catecholamines
Energy for various activities (fighting, seeking mates, seeking food, etc.) is the same energy
- Believed to be catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine)
- Other energy systems exist, such as oxytocin for child-rearing and pair bonding
- Synergizes with catecholamine system when working with loved ones
Balancing Confidence and Ego
- Winning increases dopamine, testosterone, and confidence
- Overconfidence can lead to sloppiness and mistakes
- Losing decreases dopamine, testosterone, and confidence
- Lack of confidence can lead to poor performance
- Balance is crucial for optimal performance
Generators vs. Projectors
- Generators are more attuned to the dopamine system and thrive on action and completion
- Projectors are more observant and enjoy supporting others in their victories
- Both types of people are necessary for a balanced world
- Some people may naturally lean towards one type or the other, but everyone has access to these catecholamine circuits
Applying Balance in Relationships and Parenting
- Recognizing the balance between celebrating victories and preparing for future challenges
- Example: Allowing a child to enjoy a win but also encouraging them to think about the next steps
Understanding the roles of generators and projectors in families and relationships
- Encouraging and supporting each person’s natural tendencies while also helping them tap into their catecholamine circuits when needed
Balancing Confidence and Ego
- Encouraging and supporting each person’s natural tendencies while also helping them tap into their catecholamine circuits when needed
Modulate confidence and ego, or dopamine and celebratory activities
- Recognize and celebrate success, but also remember to get back to work
- As a leader, friend, parent, or spouse, help modulate emotions and provide balance
- Surround yourself with people who provide counterbalance
Importance of Social Connection and Rest
- Many people lack close friends or connections
- Social media personalities can serve as archetypes for providing balance and motivation
- Sleep, play, and social connection are essential for restoring motivation and drive
Jocko Willink’s Personal Life and Restoration
- Jiu-jitsu and surfing provide restoration and social connection
- Family dinners and conversations help maintain balance
- Jocko’s wife is a great cook, and they enjoy spending time together
- Jocko’s experience in the Navy limited family time, but now he values it more
Alcohol Consumption
- Brits are known for their high alcohol consumption
- Jocko was straight edge growing up, but started drinking after joining the Navy
Excessive alcohol consumption can deplete health, so moderation is key
Jocko Willink and Alcohol in the SEAL Teams -
Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, shares his experience with alcohol in the SEAL teams
- Initially didn’t drink, smoke, or do drugs; influenced by straight edge culture and bands like Minor Threat
- Started drinking when he joined the SEAL teams, as it was part of the culture
- Stopped drinking after retiring from the SEAL teams
Alcohol culture in the SEAL teams
- Similar to fraternities or football teams, where young men drink and have a good time
- Jocko now sees alcohol as destructive and has seen it ruin many lives
- SEAL teams are starting to move away from alcohol-centric culture
- Jocko’s alcohol brief to his team: getting a DUI, getting in a fight, or getting hurt while drunk is doing Al Qaeda’s job for them
Jocko’s return to his roots and the influence of hardcore music
- Grew up listening to hardcore music, which shaped his attitude and values
- DIY nature of the music scene taught him to be self-sufficient and stand up for himself and his friends
- Music like The Chromags, Agnostic Front, and Bad Brains resonated with him and became the soundtrack to his life
Jocko’s strong sense of self and ability to adapt to different contexts
- Able to change his behavior depending on the situation without losing his sense of self
- Attributes this to his upbringing, the music he listened to, and the attitude he developed from the hardcore scene
- Believes that having a strong sense of self allows for confidence and adaptability in various situations
Jocko’s current view on alcohol
- Wishes he had realized the negative impact of alcohol earlier and been a better leader in that regard
- Now tries to convey the message of the dangers of alcohol and its potential to ruin lives
- Believes it’s not worth the risk to start drinking, as the potential consequences outweigh any benefits “Discovering Personal Identity and Motivation through Music and Experiences”
Punk rock music played a significant role in shaping personal identity
- Minor Threat, Black Flag, and other bands provided a sense of belonging and rebellion
- Helped develop the mindset of questioning authority and seeking better ways to accomplish tasks
- Military experiences also shaped personal identity and motivation
- Leadership skills were honed through challenging situations and learning from mentors
- The importance of discipline over motivation
- Motivation is an emotion that comes and goes, while discipline is consistent and reliable
- Daily actions should be driven by discipline, not motivation
- The impact of losing a close friend and mentor, Seth
- Seth was a unique individual with a wide range of talents and abilities
- Excellent writer, musician, and linguist
- Had synesthesia, which allowed him to associate colors with numbers and sounds
- His death in a parachute accident was a significant loss for those who knew him
- Seth was a unique individual with a wide range of talents and abilities
Honoring Seth’s memory and legacy
- At his wake, friends and colleagues paid tribute to Seth by giving him meaningful items
- Memorial bracelet, surf wax, and a black belt in jiu-jitsu
- A commitment was made to not fail Seth and to continue moving forward in his memory
Depth of Emotion and Suicide
- At his wake, friends and colleagues paid tribute to Seth by giving him meaningful items
Grief and love are intimately tied, a direct reflection of one another
- Even in tight-knit communities like the Seal Teams, suicide occurs
- Suicide is complex, difficult to map to any specific thing in the brain or body
- Some people seem to thrive despite hardship, while others spiral into depression and suicide
Stories of Suicide in the Seal Teams
- Sarah Wilkinson’s husband, Chad, a Seal, killed himself
- She described him as a completely different person before his suicide
- Marcus Capone’s wife also described her husband as a different person before he nearly killed himself
- Jocko’s friend Dave, who he never would have guessed would commit suicide
Possible Factors in Suicide
- Brain trauma from exposure to adrenaline and explosions
- Different people react differently to blast impact
- Mechanical or chemical changes in the brain leading to depression and feeling trapped
- Seal Teams are trained to take a loss and get back up, but some may lose that ability due to brain changes
Exposure to Explosions and Brain Trauma
- Range safety officers exposed to multiple explosions during training
- Breachers in combat situations exposed to explosive breaches
Long-term exposure to these situations may have an impact on mental health and suicide risk
Repeated Exposure to Traumatic Brain Injury in Military -
SEALs and military personnel often exposed to breaches, flashbangs, and shooting heavy weapons
- May contribute to traumatic brain injury (TBI) and negative mental health outcomes
- Genetic predisposition may play a role in susceptibility to these negative effects
Social Contagion of Suicide in Veteran Community
- Concerns about the spread of suicide among veterans due to social contagion
- Seeing others receive attention and escape problems through suicide may influence others to do the same
- Importance of discussing mental health issues and seeking help
High School Suicide Contagion
- Gun High School experienced a high suicide rate due to students throwing themselves on train tracks
- Possible factors include lack of ability to see a positive future, emotions overwhelming rational thought, and loss of identity or purpose
Disrupted Sleep-Wake Schedules and Suicide Risk
- Sleep-wake schedule disruptions are common in the days and weeks preceding a suicide attempt
- Shift workers have higher suicide rates than non-shift workers
- Maintaining a regular sleep schedule may be crucial for mental health
Alcohol and Suicide Risk
- Alcohol can exacerbate mental health issues and increase suicide risk
- Self-medicating with alcohol is a sign that someone may need help
Positive Action as a Source of Energy
- Using positive action to generate energy and motivation can help avoid mental health traps
- Facing problems head-on and taking action to solve them is more effective than avoidance
Indirect Approach to Problem Solving
- Confronting problems directly may not always be the best solution
- Engaging in conversation about adjacent issues can help build relationships and lead to problem resolution
Balancing Thinking and Action
- Overthinking can be dangerous, but careful observation and patience are also important
- Developing the ability to engage in activities without overthinking and to step back and observe when necessary can be beneficial
Meditation and Mental Health
Two basic forms of meditation: focused attention meditation and open monitoring meditation
- Focused attention meditation involves concentrating on a single object or thought
- Open monitoring meditation involves observing thoughts and emotions without judgment or attachment
Meditation and Focus
Meditation can enhance one’s ability to focus
- Focused meditation: concentrating on a specific target (e.g., breath, body, or visual target)
- Open observer meditation: purposefully not focusing on any specific target, allowing thoughts to come and go without lingering
- Open observer meditation can help restore focus and enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities
Jocko Willink on Meditation and Detachment
- Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, does not practice traditional meditation
- However, he emphasizes the importance of detaching from situations and emotions to gain perspective
- This detachment can help see more opportunities, angles, and maneuvers on the battlefield and in life
Activities that Promote Detachment and Creativity
- Surfing and Jiu-Jitsu can lead to a “monkey mind,” where thoughts flow freely and the mind wanders
- This state can lead to new ideas and perspectives
- Jocko Willink often writes down ideas that come to him during these activities
Adaptability and Success
- Not all Navy SEALs are successful in every domain; there is a wide range of outcomes among individuals
- Some may struggle with adapting to new environments or situations
- The ability to thrive in novel environments may be determined by one’s ability to detach, gain perspective, and adapt to changing circumstances
Success in one area (e.g., making it through SEAL training) does not guarantee success in other areas of life
The Impact of Ambition and Love in Science and Leadership -
Ambition can negatively impact science and society
- Some scientists focus on pleasing lab directors and discarding data that doesn’t fit
- This can lead to a lack of genuine interest in the subject matter
- Success in Ivy League schools or elite military units may not translate to success in other areas
- Some individuals thrive when given a clear path and boxes to check
- When the path is unclear, they may struggle to find direction
- The importance of love and adaptability in leadership and teamwork
- Teams that love and support each other perform better than those that don’t
- Love can tap into sources of dopamine and other neurotransmitters, leading to better adaptability
- Evolutionarily, love is the most adaptable emotion due to its role in caring for offspring
The Role of Ambition and Love in Different Fields
- Ambition can be effective in certain situations
- Ambitious people can be highly driven and focused on achieving goals
- However, they may not care about the subject matter or have a genuine interest in it
- Love for one’s work or craft can lead to greater success and fulfillment
- Tapping into feelings of love can enhance creativity and adaptability
- Love for one’s teammates and leaders can improve performance and dedication
The Importance of Adaptability and Open-mindedness
- Being adaptable and open-minded is crucial for success in various fields
- Individuals who can adapt to new situations and challenges are more likely to thrive
- Open-mindedness allows people to see opportunities and take the next step in their careers
- The role of meditation in fostering adaptability and love
- Meditation can help individuals tap into their inner sources of dopamine and other neurotransmitters
- Love and kindness meditation can enhance feelings of love and adaptability
The Power of Love in Leadership and Teamwork
- Love and support within a team can lead to better performance and success
- Teams that have strong relationships and care for each other are more likely to win
- Leaders who show love and care for their team members can inspire greater dedication and performance
The importance of understanding human nature in leadership
- Recognizing the role of love and adaptability in human nature can help leaders create more effective teams
Identifying Characteristics of Execution in People
- Recognizing the role of love and adaptability in human nature can help leaders create more effective teams
Characteristics of someone who can execute:
- Driven
- Communicates well
- Makes things happen
- Identifying these characteristics:
- Give tasks of increasing complexity
- Observe how they handle tasks and if they can complete them without excuses or delays
Building a Team with Complementary Skills
- Some people may be good at executing but not creative, while others may be creative but not good at executing
- As a leader, place people in roles where their nature is beneficial
- Pair creative and executing individuals to work together
- Don’t force introverts into lead sales roles or extroverts into cubicle work
- Help people find the role and thing they’re good at
- Liking your job is critical for excelling at it
- Some people may love their job but not be good at it; they can still find a place in the community or team
The Importance of Detachment and Perspective
- The ability to take a step back, detach, and see the bigger picture is a valuable skill in life
- Helps assess the best way for a team to move forward
- Can prevent getting bogged down in struggles or negative emotions
- When people are in a negative state, they may only see the “storm” around them and not the positives in their life
- As a leader or friend, help them move forward and gain perspective
- Encourage them to take action and get out of their head
Applying Team-Building Concepts to Family Life
- View family as a team with different strengths and weaknesses
- Put family members in positions where they can excel
Help each other find the right roles and activities to thrive in
Detachment as a Superpower -
People often get wrapped up in problems and can’t see the bigger picture
- Learning to detach and see the problem from a different perspective is important
- Detachment can help in various aspects of life, including relationships and problem-solving
Importance of Perspective in Problem Solving
- People tend to focus on solving problems, sometimes even when they cannot be solved
- It’s essential to take a step back and assess the importance and solvability of a problem
- Understanding what’s important and what’s not is a valuable skill
Strategies for Detachment
- Detachment can be achieved by stepping back from the problem and assessing it from a different angle
- Ask yourself if the problem is important, solvable, and worth the effort to solve
- Detachment can help in making adjustments and finding solutions to problems
Practical Application of Detachment
- Original experience with detachment came from small moments and adjustments over time
- To practice detachment, create mental imagery of walking away from the problem or physically walk away from it
- Outsourcing the problem to someone else can also help in detaching from it
Aligning the science and practical application of detachment can lead to better problem-solving and overall well-being
Detachment in Leadership and Decision Making -
Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, shares his experience with detachment in leadership and decision-making
- Detachment allows for a broader perspective and clearer thinking
Training Scenario on an Oil Rig
- Jocko was the youngest and most junior member of his platoon
- During a training exercise, he noticed that everyone was focused on their narrow field of view while looking down their weapon sights
- Jocko took a step back, broadened his field of view, and made a tactical call that was well-received by his team
- He realized the importance of detachment and started applying it in various situations
Applying Detachment in Everyday Life
- Jocko began using detachment in conversations, noticing when people were getting emotional and de-escalating the situation
- Detachment helps in not getting wrapped up in emotions or details, allowing for better decision-making
Mechanics of Detachment
- Take a step back: Physically move away from the situation to change perspective and widen the field of view
- Take a breath: Slows down breathing and helps in speaking clearly
- Broaden the field of view: Detach from emotions and make space for better decision-making
- Lift chin up and put hands down: Changes visual perspective and signals a non-defensive mood
- Listen more, talk less: Allows for better understanding and spotting holes in plans
Physiological Basis of Detachment
- Narrow focus on one target constricts the visual world and makes time feel more imposing
- Broadening the field of view allows for a larger window of cognitive understanding and new options to surface
Jocko’s Experience with Wim Hof
- In 2015, Jocko went to Spain for mountaineering with Wim Hof
The dangerous mountaineering experience taught him the importance of detachment and broadening his perspective in challenging situations
Wim’s Ants and Detachment -
Wim observed ants climbing a curb, comparing it to mountaineering
- Able to think at different scales and see similarities
- Used the ants’ example to help people through a challenging climb
- Detachment can help in various aspects of life
- Allows for broader perspective and better decision-making
- Can be applied to personal relationships, work, and social media
Detachment in Business and Military
- Companies benefit from off-site events to detach from day-to-day work
- Allows for better problem-solving and decision-making
- Detachment is crucial in military situations
- Helps to see the bigger picture and make strategic decisions
- Can be trained and improved upon
Detachment in Personal Relationships
- Taking a mental step back can prevent emotional arguments
- Allows for better understanding of the other person’s needs and emotions
- Can lead to more effective communication and problem-solving
Detachment in Social Media
- Detachment can prevent getting sucked into negative interactions
- Helps to maintain focus on personal goals and values
- Can prevent career-damaging mistakes, like the example of the former Chair of Psychiatry at Columbia University
Detachment as a Learnable Skill
Some people may be naturally better at detachment, but everyone can improve
- Can be applied to various aspects of life for better decision-making and problem-solving
- Recognizing the need for detachment and practicing it can lead to significant benefits in personal and professional life
Teachable Skills and Tunnel Vision
Psychiatrists are susceptible to tunnel vision, but can also learn to escape it
- Tunnel vision has a gravitational pull, like an animal on a chase
- Practicing opening and broadening the gaze can help avoid tunnel vision
Work Retreats and Idea Generation
- Work retreats involve a mix of work-focused activities and unrelated activities
- Unrelated activities can help free the mind and generate new ideas
Social Media and Critique
- Social media can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary divide
- Gaslighting is a specific form of manipulation, not just stating boundaries
- Accepting critique and admitting flaws can be liberating and healthy
Efficiency and Conciseness in Communication
- Limited word count on platforms like Twitter forces precision and conciseness
- Being open to critique and expanding on terse responses can be beneficial
Sleep and Disengaging from Thoughts
- Some people have a harder time disengaging from thoughts and falling asleep
- Practicing non-sleep deep rest or yoga nidra can help detach from the sensory world
- Detachment and perspective can help control responses and behavior
Thinking in Complete Sentences
- Some individuals practice thinking in complete sentences with punctuation to solve problems
- This practice may not be suitable for everyone, especially before sleep
Learning to turn off thinking can be beneficial for relaxation and sleep
Resilience and Toughness -
People often wonder about their level of toughness and resilience
- Curiosity about whether they could make it through challenging experiences like SEAL training
- Importance of knowing one’s resilience and ability to handle difficult situations
SEAL Training and Deployment
- SEAL training is a pressure test for something else, not the actual deployment
- Deployment experiences, such as in Ramadi, are much more challenging and dangerous
- SEALs, Marines, and Army soldiers face these challenges and continue to push through
Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL Training
- A strange laboratory for human beings
- Extremely difficult, unpredictable outcomes
- Various reasons and motivations for people making it through
- Mythical reputation for its difficulty
- Roughly 15% of people make it through
Nature vs. Nurture and Inherited Traits
- Variation in natural levels of dopamine and serotonin
- Inheritable acquired traits, such as increased endurance or muscle mass, may be passed down through generations
- Experience and acquired traits can change us and potentially be passed down
- Legacy kids in SEAL training have a better chance of making it through, but it’s not guaranteed
Pressure and Family Expectations
- Legacy kids may feel more pressure to succeed in SEAL training due to family expectations
The potential consequences of not making it through, such as family disappointment, could be a motivating factor
Deliberate Discomfort and Mental Resilience -
Importance of doing things that are uncomfortable or challenging
- Builds mental resilience and toughness
- Helps in personal growth and development
- Examples of uncomfortable activities:
- Cold showers in the morning
- Pushing oneself in workouts or other physical activities
- Facing fears or trying new experiences
Animals and Personalities
- Dogs and their owners often share similar personalities
- Dogs can reflect the traits of their owners
- Personalities can be influenced by both nature and nurture
- Different dog breeds have distinct personalities
- Belgian Malinois: strong, protective, and used in security work
- German Shepherds: loyal, intelligent, and protective
- Bulldogs: lazy, relaxed, and low-energy
Training Dogs and Leadership Principles
- Similarities between training dogs and leading humans
- Establishing trust and respect
- Clear communication and expectations
- Consistency in enforcing rules and boundaries
Differences in training dogs
- Dogs are pack animals and respond to a pack leader
- Intuitive understanding of emotions and energy levels
- Need for specialized training for working or security dogs
Understanding Animal Senses and Human Intuition
Animals have developed incredible senses for hunting and survival
- Sharks can sense the activity in the lateral line of fish to detect slower fish
- Fish have lateral lines that allow them to school, navigate, and recognize specific signatures
- Humans have rudimentary versions of these senses, but not as honed as animals
- These senses can be tapped into when hunting animals or humans
- Warriors often have these senses honed
Leadership and Military Experience
- People often ask if having military experience is important for political leaders
- It can be beneficial for understanding the military and the costs of war
- Civilians control the military, and military experience can help appreciate that
- Not mandatory, but having leaders with military experience can be valuable
- Combat experience can be especially helpful
Political Balance and Social Media
- Social media can be detrimental to political balance
- Conversations are often driven by ego and attacking others
- Most people in the real world are focused on growing their businesses and taking care of their communities
- Citizens need to pay attention to politics to ensure America stays on the right path
Jocko Willink’s Thoughts on Running for Office
- Jocko appreciates friends who are politicians but finds the idea of running for office miserable
- Currently focused on helping businesses grow, bringing manufacturing back to America, and supporting the economy
- If things got bad enough, Jocko would do what he had to do, but his threshold for “bad” is quite high
- Prefers to surf, hang out with friends and family, and maintain a balanced life
The Importance of Generators and Projectors in Society
- Generators create useful knowledge and contribute to growth
- Projectors help spread and promote the good generated by others
- Both types of individuals are important for a thriving society
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- High-quality supplements used by sports teams and in Department of Defense studies
- Single ingredient formulations
- Sciencebacked ratio of electrolytes: 1 gram of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium, and 60 milligrams of magnesium and no sugar.
- for free sample pack
- Fitness wearable device that tracks daily activity and sleep
- Provides real-time feedback on optimizing health
- Visit for the first month free
- Eyeglasses and sunglasses designed for athletes and everyday people
- Visit and enter code Huberman for 20% off the first order
Helix Sleep
- Customized mattresses and pillows for better sleep
- Visit for up to $350 off and two free pillow